What Foods Affect Your Child’s Oral Health?

November 16, 2022

A pediatric dentist in Denver will encourage parents to be more mindful of their food preparation. Did you know that what you feed your kids will not only affect their overall health but their oral health too? Many people tend to forget to check if the meals are good or bad for their child’s teeth.  

To keep your child’s oral health in excellent shape, you must prepare a well-balanced nutritional diet. Healthy eating habits and daily brushing and flossing are necessary to promote good overall health while protecting your child’s teeth against cavities and gums from periodontal disease.

child seeing Pediatric Dentist Denver

Food Choices: What’s Healthy and What’s Not

Foods That Promote Healthy Teeth

Some foods help keep your teeth clean and strong and protect against tooth decay. Meanwhile, certain foods can also feed oral bacteria, prompting them to erode your teeth and cause damage. Examples of foods that are good for your child’s teeth are the following:

  • Raw fruits and vegetables. Apples, carrots, celery, cucumbers, melons, and pears help remove bacteria from the teeth because of their texture. Furthermore, these foods stimulate saliva production to wash away bacteria and food debris that cling to your child’s teeth. If you have dry mouth, you are much more prone to cavities and decay.
  • Green leafy vegetables. Try adding kale, spinach, and other leafy greens to their meals. Leafy greens are high in calcium and contain essential vitamins and minerals that strengthen the enamel.  
  • Calcium-rich foods. Yogurt, milk, low-fat cheese, and broccoli are rich in calcium that keeps teeth strong. Cheese also increases the pH level in your child’s mouth, lowering their risk of developing cavities. Yogurt contains probiotics and proteins that fight against cavity-causing bacteria.  

Food and Drinks to Minimize

Sometimes the stuff that’s bad for us can taste really good. So, we’re not saying to remove these items completely from your child’s diet, but try to keep it to a minimum or for during special occasions.

  • Sweet juices. Sweet beverages are popular with children, but you should limit their consumption because sugars from sodas and juices can weaken the enamel on their teeth. Instead, teach your child about the importance of drinking water throughout the day.
  • Starchy, sugary, and high-carb snacks. Did you know snacking on chips, cookies, candies, and cakes can instigate the tooth decay process? As much as possible, limit their consumption of anything that contains sugar.  
food recommended by Pediatric Dentist Denver

Looking for a Reliable Pediatric Dentist in Denver?

As parents, you should encourage your children to develop healthy eating habits and teach them proper brushing and flossing techniques. Furthermore, encourage them to visit the dentist regularly.  

If your child starts their life with great dental habits, they will be much more likely to stick with them throughout their adulthood.

At Central Family Dentistry, we offer a wide array of dental services to help promote good oral health. We are happy to answer if you have questions about food choices. Contact us today if you’d like to schedule an examination and teeth cleaning for your child. We can’t wait to see you!

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